1/1/2025 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
It's nothing particularly exciting to me specifically, but it's always fun to see a new year pass! My resolution is to do the same thing I say literally every single update where I go "man i really want to update the site more!" and then I don't do it. Generally I don't really do the whole new years resolution thing though, so we'll see :D
In any case! New year, new pages:
--> New page unlocked! Hidden gems, the good games no one ever talks about! It's...a little barren right this moment. Give it time to grow...
--> New page unlocked! A game journal where I actively document all of the new games I check out throughout 2025. I'll refrain from documenting every single game I play, just the ones I never played before. This page is also still a work in progress...
-- The sidebars are now sticky! As you scroll down they'll follow you to ensure you're never alone!
- Added a few new "ads"
- Added a few new footer blurbs
- Santa hats have been put back in the attic until next year
- The snow seems to have calmed a bit
x Removed all "locked" pages on the left sidebar that are not actively a work in progress
12/11/2024 - Let it snow
Wow!! It's snowing! I couldn't really think of too much more to add for the holidays, but this will work for the time being!
- Added falling snow to the home page
- Gave the banner palicos festive attire
11/21/2024 - gotta do my dailies...
I want to get more into doing frequent small updates again so I haven't done a whole lot for today's update but I am working on a new page... It's been months since I made one of those so I hope it doesn't suck a whole lot and is instead really cool and good!
There were also a bunch of tiny things sprinkled in over the last few days I didn't feel like making their own update log for and just tacked them onto the 19th's update list
-- Added 3 new games to the Daily Games List. VGM Heardle, Housle, and Pick 5. They're pretty cool and good I think.
11/19/2024 - Overhauls, changes, and fixing up
That's alright, one thing I definitely DO know I did wrong was with my file paths, everything has worked well so far simply because all of my html files are at the root of my website folder. Turns out you generally have to actually implement absolute file locations if you want to have html files anywhere else. Good to know!
Oh yeah also I finally discovered how to actually make pages load onto a single page instead of having to continuously reload everything maybe it'll be possible that one of these days I'll retool everything to load as most sites do! ...Maybe!
The update log might be a bit unreliable, I forgot a lot of the stuff I did this time around, oops!
--> Made major renovations to the home page! You're looking at it now! It's all here!!
^ Moved the marquee from the right navbar to the home page as well as spent way way way too long doing everything in my power to make it function properly (see page source)
^ Added a work in progress/to-do list to give an idea of what I'd like to add/change but for whatever reason haven't yet
^ Added a box that will eventually include site tips/insights
^ Added a thought bubble... The space looked weird without something else there, alright?
--> MAJOR overhaul to the "daily games" page! It used to suck, every entry was it's own box and it was a slog to scroll through. Will anyone ever check that page out? No idea! But I like how it turned out.
-- Added new sites to the button collection as well as expanding it to include buttons/stamps I've made
-- Changed the audio script for the selection sound effects, no longer requiring the sound to be finished before playing a new one
- Added a scrollbar to the update on the home page
- Added a few new "ads" (removed a few as well)
- Added an additional marquee for a bunch of stamps that I made
- Added the necrodancer sprite to the left navbar
- Fixed the popup for "choice tunes" to actually work on the first click
- Fixed a ton of file paths to be absolute
- counted sheep
10/5/2024 - More minor fixes
I learned the difference between onmouseenter and onmousehover today, so the navbox on the left doesn't play the click sound multiple times when you move between text and the container. very nice!
- Fixed left navbox sound effects
- Changed the quote sprite to an exact height instead of scaling it because non firefox browsers don't like scale (use firefox)
- Added an onclick jingle to the quote sprite (play cave story)
- Added a pair of new "ads"
- went down to electric avenue
10/2/2024 - We're so back??
I'm still here left without a second monitor which makes all this stuff a hell of a lot more difficult but I at least got SOMETHING done today even if it took a few hours to figure out. I want to get back into the flow of updating way more often after nearly a month's break. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally finish my about page......
-- A new animated background in the form of Cave Story's outer wall. This feels like it might be highly dependent on screen resolution... I have no idea if it will stay forever but I really like how it is now.
- Added a quote sprite to the top of the right bar to celebrate. This took a few hours to get here.
9/6/2024 - Nothing much
Today's whole workflow has been hindered by by second monitor deciding to get bored of functioning so I didn't feel as motivated to do much
- A pikachu spite was added at the top by request of a friend. More of a position style learning experience than anything, I'd like to add more page decorations in the future.
- I changed the sound effect to play when hovering over the navitem container on the left navbar. Unfortunately this will cause the sound to play when hovering over other elements slow enough, but it's ideal for how I want it to act.
- Added a few more footer blurbs
- Removed the weird guy
- slept before 6am
9/5/2024 - Marquee frustrations
Nothing toooo major today. A grand majority of my time at getting stuff done today was unfortunately wasted. Dumped where you may ask, marquees! That stupid marquee over to the right specifically. It was such a struggle getting it to be seamless but I think I have it now, even if there's a bunch of manual stuff I have to do if I ever want to add/subtract from it. I HOPE I'll never actually *need* a marquee for anything because I hated that so much. I wish I could find an easier solution.
-- Added "ads" to the right side bar. Just kind of a funny idea really. They're somewhat random gifs for now but I would like to make proper fake ads for it eventually
-- Added sound effects to hovering over various navigation buttons (so....retro....)
- Updated the button marquee to the right
- Added 4 new 88x31 buttons. I need to go browsing more...
- made a sandwich
9/4/2024 - Daily Games! Guestbook! Automation!
I believe I've finished most of the backend work on the CSS, now most changes I'd be making to it are just for particualr page setups like what I did for the daily games page. I may come around to giving each page it's own theme, changing up the backgrounds a bit and whatnot. Until then I can call everything pretty automatic.
--> New page unlocked! I compiled a list of daily games I enjoy playing and made a page for them. There'll be a screenshot and brief description about each game as well as a link that will open the game to a new tab! I hope someone finds the page enjoyable, maybe it'll open some eyes to things they didn't know about before. At least, that's the idea.
--> New page unlocked! I've added... a guestbook! Everyone has a guestbook, and now I can remove that footer blurb about not having a guestbook...
- Reverted the skew on the left sidebar's animations
- Added "Choice Tunes" which you may see to the right. Just songs I like and will change off and on.
- Added 37 new footer blurbs
- added hell
...I didn't want to mention it before but does anyone else see that thing over there?
9/3/2024 - The button page
--> Restyled the left sidebar's hover animation a lil. I like the way it looks quite a bit but I could definitely understand if there's some mild usability issues with it. We'll see if it stays.
--> New page unlocked! You can see it to the left with it's own little icon and everything, the buttons page. Because what's a neocities site without a 88x31 button page? ...Actual buttons pending. Too much time spent working on the place, not enough actually checking others.
--> Made some additions to the CSS, mostly to help with the buttons page. I should really start using more than a single stylesheet when this stuff will only apply to a single page... unfortunately that is confusing and I arleady get lost enough
9/2/2024 - Minor makeovers
--> The left side bar was partially redone, I have no idea if I intend to keep it this way but it feels mostly good with it's slight animation on hover and supporting proper icons next to the options. I'll just need some stuff to put into it.
--> I also added SCROLLBARS. Something else that I'm not sure will stick around long term but for now I think it looks good, especially considering some pages (like the update page) will wind up growing to be quite long.
-- I spent an hour trying to make marquees work. My website is just evil, evil for no reason. There's no reason that when I try to put a bunch of buttons in a marquee side by side they just stack on top of each other it's STUPID and I hate it so I just used "display:inline-block" on every single image involved and hey now it works.
9/1/2024 - Buttons n' styles
--> I finished my 88x31 button, at least the first iteration of it. I may come around to changing it up a bit more later (maybe not shouting "click me") but I think it's fine for now.
--> I added what you're reading right now. A proper update log that I aim to fill out frequently enough, at least each time I push a larger update to the site (I intend to do much more!)
--> New page! The updates page, it's not all that exciting but if it's not too much of a pain to the flow of making the site I'll be listing both major and minor site updates there instead of here. I'll keep the most recent important stuff on the main page.
-- I cleaned up the style sheet a bit and added unique backgrounds to all of the boxed elements as well as finally learning how to make proper use of headers and paragraphs instead of just using a ton of plaintext and linebreaks. Crazy what you can learn in a day.
-- On the backend side of things I made a script to load my sidebars on any page easily from html files to avoid copying them to every single page. It works but I do wonder if there's another way.
-- Created a new title for the top of the page.
- A couple new footer messages were added.
8/30/2024 - The birth of a website
--> A grand majority of the site was built. The structure of the main page, almost all of the stylesheet, really almost everything you see.
--> Random footer messages! Each time the page is loaded there will be a new message displayed at the bottom from a string of messages I fully intend to keep adding onto all the time. It's a really fun thing to play with and I'm glad it works just as perfectly as I envisioned it.
--> Random header palicos! In addition to the footer there's the header palicos up near the title. Each time the page is refreshed, two new palicos will be selected from a couple I've made in the past. They're a sort of symbol/representation of mine, more info on that in the future. I cannot say more will be added anywhere near as frequently as the footer.