My button collection! Everyone needs their own button collection

One of my favorite things to do around Neocities is check out everyone's webpages. People are so damn creative and it's incredibly inspiring to the point where I picked up HTML and began working on my own site (you're here now)

And that's what leads us to HERE! Even before using Neocities I knew about these 88x31 buttons and always wanted to create a collection of em and have one of my own. A big list of sites I like, within my own site. It's just such a fun concept so I can't wait to build and expand on this page from here into the future.

Websites that I like a lot

A bunch of websites that I find cool, inspiring, or outright just enjoy

Buttons/Stamps that I've made

Mostly a bunch of stamps I've made for the home page, but who knows maybe there will be more here later!