Welcome to my own space on the internet
Really glad to finally have a website up and running, it took a lot of work just to even get it to this point and I feel like I've hardly even gotten started on fitting this place together. It really seems like all that's left is to unpack some metaphorical boxes and actually start adding stuff to the page
There'll be more to come, please excuse the current WIP nature of the place.
-the guy
Recently Updated
9/6/2024 - Nothing much
Today's whole workflow has been hindered by by second monitor deciding to get bored of functioning so I didn't feel as motivated to do much
- A pikachu spite was added at the top by request of a friend. More of a position style learning experience than anything, I'd like to add more page decorations in the future.
- I changed the sound effect to play when hovering over the navitem container on the left navbar. Unfortunately this will cause the sound to play when hovering over other elements slow enough, but it's ideal for how I want it to act.
- Added a few more footer blurbs
- Removed the weird guy
- slept before 6am