Welcome to my own space on the internet

Hello! Really glad to finally have an ACTUAL website up and running, it took a lot of work just to even get it to this point and I feel like I've hardly even gotten started on fitting this place together but I'm really happy with what I have here so far.

This site should serve to be an overall expression of who I am and the things I like while ideally leaving some stuff that others enjoy seeing and reading. On top of that, a stepping stone into the world of web design and an outlet for creative projects.

Please note! This website was designed and written around Firefox! Chromium browsers beware, there will be issues and I don't quite know how to fix them yet!

-the guy

The "To-Do" Listâ„¢

> Make a page for past thought bubbles

> Write up more games for the hidden gems page

> Create a proper music player for the right sidebar

> Maybe add more fitting/uniform backgrounds

> Mystery casino project :)

Gavyn's thought bubble

With the completion of the music page and the creation of the interactive music player, I'm finally really happy with the knowledge I have in JS and I'm looking forward to implementing it more in the future.

One of the downsides of this though is the number of things I've done before really understanding what I was doing. The music page and even the shop page to a lesser degree feel so much more "polished" and well-done compared to most of the rest of the pages I've made that it feels like I might have to go back and retrofit a bunch of stuff with the new things I've learned. Not that it'll be difficult, but slightly annoying maybe...

Still happy with how these things work though

Recently Updated

3/17/2025 - MUSIC, TUNES EVEN

At long last, the custon music player I've been meaning to make is HERE as well as an entirely different endeavor I caught myself up in... the MUSIC DIMENSION. Probably the page that took the most singular work aside from the style of the site as a whole.

--> New page unlocked! The Music Dimension, a page dedicated to music... because everyone needs one of those

-- Youtube embeds for "choice tunes" have been entirely replaced with a custom music player

^ The list of youtube links that served to show past choice tunesDid you know: You can click the "choice tunes"
box to open this menu
has been replaced with an interactive tracklist that controls the music player

- Probably a bunch of smaller things I did over the last 10 days but I really can't remember